Our Vision and Purpose
Our vision for Palliser's online school is a centre of online learning and teaching excellence. It will provide outstanding opportunities for Alberta students. Students will engage online in their learning both asynchronously and synchronously with their peers and teachers and demonstrate a deep understanding of Alberta curriculum and global digital citizenship. Students, if they choose, can complete an Alberta diploma fully online.
The purpose of this initiative is to:
- serve Palliser students by supplementing courses available at their existing high schools;
- provide access to online learning materials and instruction to support high school students across the division;
- develop a vibrant online learning community for Palliser students which supports academic success;
- differentiate with online instruction and provide flexible learning opportunities tailored to the individual student's needs.
The outcomes of this initiative will include:
- asynchronous courses available online through the Moodle Learning management system across grades 10-12;
- synchronous recorded classes to support and supplement learning;
- student ability to complete the Alberta diploma online;
- students will demonstrate a deep understanding of Alberta curriculum;
- impeccable online standards in line with INaCol standards.
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