School Councils

Schools in Alberta are required to have a school council, barring a lack of parent interest in creating and serving on such a council. The school council serves an important role in providing advice on the ongoing development of the school's mission, vision and philosophy, its annual education plan and goals and its policies. It should be noted the school council is not a fundraising body.

Palliser supports and strongly encourages parental involvement in school council. To support our councils, Palliser School Division pays the membership fee for each of our school councils to belong to the Alberta School Councils' Association, and to have access to ASCA's various supports and resources for effective councils. 

In accordance with the Education Act and the School Councils Regulation, the chair of a school council must prepare and provide to the board by September 30 of each year a report (a) summarizing the activities of the school council in the previous school year, and (b) detailing, in accordance with the policies referred to in section 13(2), the receipt, handling and use of any money by the school council in the previous school year. 

Reporting documents are available at the links below:

FORM A: School Council Annual Report - must be submitted by all School Councils

FORM B: Statement of Receipts and Disbursements - submitted by Schcool Councils who handle funds other than the Alberta School Council Engagement grant.