Administrative Procedure 540: Facilities Management
Students, staff, and the community will be provided with safe, clean, pleasant and well-equipped facilities that address current and changing educational requirements.
- A well-planned custodial program of work schedules, expectations, and evaluations will be in place.
- The performance of heating, ventilation, and lighting equipment will be evaluated and appropriate measures adopted to address deficiencies.
- Custodial, maintenance, and repair services will only be contracted where feasible and desirable.
- Energy conservation programs will be implemented where economically desirable and feasible.
- Funding from the Infrastructure Maintenance Renewal (IMR) will address health and safety, program needs and facility renewal in schools following an annual needs assessment.
- Funding for the Alternative Program Schools will be accommodated through the Master and Lease Agreements with each Society from PO&M.
- Funding for the Facility Enhancement for Faith Base Alternative Program Schools will also be accommodated through the Master and Lease Agreements with each Society.
- Funding for Colony Schools PO&M will be accommodated through the Education Services Agreement with each colony as it pertains to custodial supplies.
- Funding for Colony Schools Facility Enhancement will also be accommodated through the Education Services Agreement with each colony.
Updated: March 2017