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Administrative Procedure 361: Communicating Student Achievement

The most crucial part of communicating student learning is to ensure a shared understanding between the current teacher, the student, the parent, and the future teacher receiving the information. “Assessment, evaluation and communication of student achievement and growth are essential parts of the teaching and learning process” (Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education, 2006, p. viii).  The greater the role students are given in this process, the richer the information that is shared and the greater the impact on future learning.  (See Appendix 361B.) 

Alberta Education’s Three-Year Business Plan identifies communicating student achievement to parents in a meaningful way as a focus for improvement. Reporting student progress should reflect a close relationship between curriculum objectives, grade level achievement and the ongoing information that parents receive about their child’s progress.  While there is a need for flexibility and variety of reporting practices, there is also a need to define common expectations and guidelines for sites in order to promote alignment and consistency within the system.


  1. Accommodation means adjustments to the instructional process in such a way as to ensure the optimal learning opportunity for the student with regard to such things as instructional strategies, assessment procedures, materials, facilities or equipment.
  2. Achievement means a student’s demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes relative to grade-level learner outcomes.
  3. Adapted programming means programming that retains the learner outcomes of the Program of Studies and where adjustments to the instructional process (accommodations) are provided to address the special education needs of the student.  A student may be working on learner outcomes at grade levels above or below his/her enrolled grade. 
  4. Curriculum standards means the expected student learning outcomes sequenced by grade level against which student performance is judged.
  5. Grade means the enrolment designation.
  6. Grade level means the level the child has achieved in relation to the grade levels of the provincial programs of study.
  7. Learner outcome means what students are expected to learn – the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are provincially mandated.
  8. Modified programming means programming in which the learner outcomes are significantly different from the programs of studies and are specifically selected to meet the student’s special education needs.
  9. Performance means how well a student is able to demonstrate the learner outcomes at a particular grade level.


  1. The principal will ensure that appropriate assessment strategies are practiced that link instruction and evaluation, and facilitate fair and consistent reporting of student progress.
  2. The methods for assessing and evaluating student achievement shall be communicated to students and parents. (See Appendix 361A.)
  3. Teachers shall communicate to students and parents the level of student achievement relative to grade-level learner outcomes for each subject/course in which students are enrolled.
  4. Each school shall maintain a plan which outlines the process for communicating student achievement to parents.  This process will include informal and formal communication to the extent that parents are currently aware of their child’s achievement.  (See Appendix 361A.)
  5. Conferences are important opportunities to share information about the child’s achievement and should include students.  These conferences should be structured, organized and scheduled to maximize participation.   There shall be a minimum of two conferences each school year.  (See Appendix 361C.)
  6. Each school shall establish at least three regular reporting periods per school year accompanied by a written progress report.   This report will serve as a formal progress report confirming previous communications between the teacher, parent and student, as appropriate, regarding the student’s achievement.  (See Appendix 361C.)
  7. In all grades, student achievement should be reported separately from factors such as assignment completion, timeliness, participation, personal conduct, neatness and effort. These are all important student attributes that should be communicated along with, but separately from, achievement unless they are defined in the student outcomes.

Education Act
Standards for Special Education (amended 2004)
Cross Reference: Administrative Procedure #362 (Appeals of Student Evaluation)