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Administrative Procedure 311: Fire Safety

All division employees must be aware of and practice fire safety precautions in order to help ensure occupant safety and careful stewardship of division facilities. The focus of such precautions shall be to protect all occupants, furnishings and facilities from fire damage. Evacuation drills are an essential component of the school safety program.

  1. The principal is responsible for establishing, in accordance with legislative and code requirements and in consultation with the local fire department, a program and procedures to ensure prompt and orderly evacuation of the school in the event of an emergency.
  2. This program shall include, at minimum:
    1. The development of written school evacuation procedures;
    2. The posting of primary and secondary evacuation routes for each room;
    3. Three fire drills in the first half of the school year and three additional fire drills in the second half of the school year.
    4. An evacuation drill during the first week of school to train staff and students on evacuation procedures;
    5. Periodic reviews with staff and students of the procedure; and
    6. A detailed record of all evacuation drills will be sent to the Superintendent by June 15, including dates, evacuation times, problems experienced and follow-up action taken.
  3. Schools shall cooperate fully with local fire authorities to ensure that fire department requirements and inspection recommendations are implemented.

Education Act
Fire Codes and Standards
AP 131 - Emergency Planning