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Administrative Procedure 300: Student Entrance Age

There are a variety of entrance ages depending on the assessed education needs of the child. In most instances, a beginning student must attain the age of five (5) years on or before the last day of December of the school year in which the student applies for admission to a division kindergarten program. However, for children with identified special needs, Early Childhood Services programs are available for children as young as two (2) years six (6) months as of September 1st of a program year. 

A beginning student must attain the age of six (6) years on or before the last day of December of the school year in which the student applies for admission to Grade 1.

  1. Beginning Grade 1 students must enter in September of the school year.
  2. Students who have completed their kindergarten program in another school jurisdiction shall be admitted to Grade 1 regardless of age.
  3. Legal proof of birth must be shown at the time of registration for all students.

Education Act