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Administrative Procedure 180: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Access to information is a right of the general public; however, this right must be balanced by appropriate protection of privacy with regard to personal information. Consequently, all procedures for collecting and storing information by division staff in the course of affairs and procedures regulating the release of information to other parties must follow provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

The purposes of FOIP and this administrative procedure are to:

  1. Allow any person a right of access to the records in the custody or under the control of the division subject to limited and specific exceptions as set out in the Act;
  2. Control the manner in which a public body may collect personal information from individuals, to control the use that the division may make of that information, and to control the disclosure by the division of that information;
  3. Allow individuals, subject to limited and specific exceptions as set out in the Act, a right of access to personal information about themselves that is held by the division;
  4. Allow individuals a right to request corrections to personal information about themselves that is held by the division; and
  5. Provide for independent reviews of decisions made by the division under the Act and the resolution of complaints under the Act.

Head – In relation to a public body, means the person or group of persons designated under section 89(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as the head.

FOIP Coordinator – Designated by the Head as the first contact person related to FOIP issues.

  1. Under Section 89(a) of the Act, the Superintendent is the designated Head of the Local Public Body for the purposes of this legislation and is responsible for ensuring that division staff members comply with the provisions of the Act. The Head is empowered to fulfill his/her duties under the Act, which includes the establishment of procedures to ensure appropriate management of the legislation
  2. The Secretary-Treasurer is designated FOIP Coordinator of the division under Section 89(b) of the Act, and is responsible for overall management of the provisions of the Act.
  3. When fees are to be paid under the Act, the rates adopted by the Government of Alberta will be confirmed as the rates used by the division.
  4. The division shall provide access to information in a manner consistent with this administrative procedure and with the Act, as well as related regulations of the Province of Alberta.
  5. All persons making requests for the release of information shall be notified as to appeal provisions under this Act.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c. F-25

Authorization of Representative
Law Enforcement Disclosure
Request to Access Information
Request to Correct Personal Information