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Administrative Procedure 110: School Councils

Under legislation, school councils are advisory to the principal and to the Board. By working collaboratively on a school council, staff members, parents, students and community members serve an important supportive and guidance role in the overall operation of the school. School councils are therefore encouraged to participate as active partners in education within the division.

  1. Each school council will be duly formed and constituted in a manner consistent with the School Act.
  2. The school council provides parents and the school community with a means to consult and provide advice to the principal on matters pertaining to the school and its operations, subject to the provisions of the School Act. This shall include, but is not limited to, involvement in the development of the school’s Three-Year Education Plan. 
  3. The school council may periodically carry out other school-related functions as identified by the principal, Superintendent, Board and/or Alberta Education, if agreed to by the school council.
  4. The division encourages the school council to build a supportive school community and to advocate on behalf of the school and school system.
  5. School personnel concerns shall not be discussed at school council meetings.
  6. Each school council shall establish its own Code of Ethics in accordance with the School Council Regulation 171/98 (see Appendix 110A for a suggested Code of Ethics).
  7. The financial records of the school council shall be open to audit by the Secretary Treasurer.
    1. Funds shall not be raised through loans from banks, financial institutions or other security requirements.
    2. No school council shall incorporate under the Societies Act or the Companies Act.
    3. The school council shall not be charged a fee for the use of schools or school facilities for holding its meetings.
    4. No officers or other members of the school council shall receive any remuneration for acting as a member of the council. 
  8. A yearly summary of the school council’s activities shall be forwarded to the Office of the Superintendent by September 30 of each year for the previous year.
  9. Resolution of Conflict:
    When it becomes apparent that an irreconcilable and counterproductive difference exists within the school council, it is the responsibility of the school principal and/or school council to bring this to the attention of the Superintendent.
    The Superintendent or designate will work with the school council in attempting to resolve the difference.
    If the Superintendent or designate is unable to resolve the issue, the Superintendent will inform the Board.
    If the Board is unable to reach agreement with the school council, the Board may request the Minister to dissolve the school council pursuant to Section 22 of the School Act.
  10. Appeal of Policies and Administrative Procedures:
    If a school council finds itself in disagreement with Board policy or division administrative procedures, the school council may write a letter to the Superintendent outlining the concerns with a copy being sent to the principal.

Section 22, School Act
School Councils Regulation 171/98
School Councils Policy 1.8.3
School Council Resources Manual, 2007

Cross Reference: Policy 2 – Role of the Board
Policy 7 – Board Operations
Policy 20 – School Year Calendar

Forms: School Council Report
School Council Statement of Receipts and Disbursements