Teachers from across Palliser Regional Schools gathered in Vulcan Monday for the first of four collaborative professional development days. They worked in one of about 50 small learning groups with a literacy or assessment for learning focus. Examples of group topics include “Google Documents as a Way of Increasing Collaboration Among Students,” “Encouraging Middle School Students to Think More Scientifically,” and “Incorporating Literacy Strategies in Senior High Social Studies.” Principals and many vice-principals also formed a group working on “Literacy and Assessment for Learning: A Collaborative Approach for Growing Your School.”
Each group involves teachers from different schools so each group has the benefit of different perspectives.
Executive Assistant (Education Services) Joe Manio spent some of the day capturing images of what teacher collaboration looks like in Palliser. Take a look behind the scenes. What does teacher professional development look like? Engaging, varied and fun!
The next division-wide collaboration day is set for Oct. 14 (the day after Thanksgiving for parents wanting to take advantage of an extra long weekend).
Teachers weren't the only Palliser staff working on professional development Monday. A number of bus drivers were in Central Office in Lethbridge Monday for safety and technology training.
Thanks to all of our staff for their commitment to ongoing training and development.