Headstrong Team at Coaldale Prairie Winds Leads Mental Health Conversations

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The Headstrong team at Coaldale Prairie Winds has been leading meaningful conversations about mental well-being and supporting one another.

Three dedicated student leaders facilitated discussions focused on the stigma surrounding mental health and the barriers that often prevent people from reaching out for help. Together with their peers, they explored strategies and tools to manage stress and anxiety. They also challenged the misconception that seeking support is a sign of weakness, encouraging open and honest dialogue.

These sessions were developed with the guidance of Making Connections Worker Tori Norlin. Earlier this school year, the student leaders attended a Headstrong Summit—a day-long workshop designed to build capacity for mental health support within schools. The summit empowers students to take the lead in creating a culture of connection and care among their peers.

The team presented to junior high school students and will present a session for high school students sometime over the next few months. Afterward, they gathered for an informal chat over beverages and cookies generously donated by the local Tim Hortons. These moments of connection helped strengthen the sense of community around mental health.

While one member of the headstrong team will graduate this year, their courage and leadership have laid the foundation for a new group of students to continue this important work in the future.

Well done to these amazing students!