Coaldale Welcomes New Recreation Centre and Southern Alberta Summer Games

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Palliser School Division was thrilled to celebrate the grand opening of the Shift Community Recreation Centre (SCRC), neighbouring the Coaldale Prairie Winds Secondary (CPWS) facility! Despite threatening skies, the weather cooperated for the ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by Coaldale Mayor Jack Van Rijn.

This impressive new facility is perfectly timed to host the Southern Alberta Summer Games, which also kicked off today. The Shift Centre will provide valuable space for the Games and future community events.

Palliser School Division is particularly excited about the opportunities this new facility brings to the students at CPWS. They'll have access to a state-of-the-art recreation center right next door to the school. We look forward to welcoming students back in September and celebrating the grand opening of the CPWS facility.

For more information on SCRC, please visit their website at Coaldale Recreation Center

For more information on the Southern Alberta Summer Games, please visit their website at Southern Alberta Summer Games.